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Playwriting Classes & Script Doctor Services

“Great writers are not ashamed of their imagination.” ~ CDW


there are no limits to your imagination

Every good play has a beginning, middle and an end. It seems simple. It is not. Getting it from the brain to the page and then to the stage, is a journey well worth taking, but it is not for the faint of heart. Writing can be as sublime as a smile and as challenging as an emotional terrorist. You never know when the urge will strike or where it will lead. The possibilities are as endless as a sleepless night. Doubt and fear will hold you hostage, the page will set you free. Do all you can to get to the page. Your imagination is an arsenal of creativity like no other. Trust me, there is no one like you. I will guide you along the path toward fully completing your work, disposing of the clutter, and getting to the heart of your matter, be it the start of a new work, a completed project or somewhere in between. Whether your play is personal, historical, or fictional your humanity is intrinsically layered into everything you write, that is inescapable, and the more you are there, the better your work will be. Writing is a deeply personal journey, bravery is required. Feeling safe in your work environment is paramount. Working one on one or in a group, I strive to provide a safe, judgement-free zone for writers to freely explore and take chances with their work. There are no limits to one’s imagination, I help you thrive in the arena of limitless freedom as writer.  So, let’s get down to the heart of the matter. I look forward to hearing from you. 

One on One Playwriting Sessions

In-person or via Zoom

Cost: $75 per hour 



Writer's Group Sessions

In-person or via Zoom
6 weeks

2.5-hours per class each week

5 writers

Cost: $295



Playwriting 101

Beginners workshop
Writing your first play- any age

In-person or via Zoom
5 weeks

2.5-hours per class each week

5 writers

Cost: $225



Writer-for-Hire & Script Doctor Services

Cost: $75 per hour


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